Teaching and Classes

Worship Projects are projects that bring attention or worship back to God. There are artistic projects (artistic projects can range from Game development to dance to music to animation etc) in which the Holy Spirit is calling you to do, however you feel absolutely stuck despite how you attempt to correct yourself. We help to not only free you from those bandages, but also surpass the art that you're currently engaged. We teach all this while being totally anchored in the Word of God. We believe an exegetical reading of the Word is what unlocks the greatest artistic freedom and expression, and any receiving that we get from the Holy Spirit will always be confirmed through 2 or more as well as it being found in scripture. 

We are worshipping here, nothing more. So the first thing to do is to become comfortable with the fact that your offering may never be seen by another human and if you are indeed worshipping God with a project, that shouldn't even matter to begin with. In this 5 week Class we'll be venturing into 

Kingdom Arts Course


For course outlines and details click here

Educational Videos

Educational and practical guidance. Just have a passion for teaching. 

Sober Artist

Some Principles to live by as an artist

Divine Homework

A breakdown in discovering what your Godly purpose is and how to navigate it. 

March towards Readiness

A break down on practical tips on how to design your lifestyle to cater to your Godly Assignment and the distractions of the world. 

Grindin' Practical Playlist

A prophetic show where I've pulled together the most practical tips from what He's told us, and compiled them in a playlist. (Full show is all on the YouTube channel

Exodus Now Podcast

Intellectual, practical and spiritual discussions with Pastor Shimar Keith on several provocative topics concerning current affairs.   

Exodus Now

Essentially visual sermons