
Here's an example of the progressing "Hip Hop Soak" music that I've been experimenting with. There will be more projects in the future but give this a stream and a like... well, if you like it

Why do you call yourself the 8 Tailed Fox Fur?

The Hebrew number for 8 means New Birth or New Beginnings. The 9 tailed Fox is a trickster demon as well as a popular character in Naruto. The tails symbolized its power, wisdom and age. To me in Christ, this shows my old nature and what I've been delivered from. I did a LOT of lying, and I lusted for power and wisdom to elevate my ego. Now, in my heart I've killed this kind of spirit through the Holy Spirit, and I wear its fur as a trophy as well as a reminder of His resurrection power. This is also in recognition that I am NOT in my perfected body yet, and that I should be diligent in my awareness of these principalities and rulers of the air, lest I be deceived back into what I've been delivered from.